Warning and information on the West Africa (Ghana, Nigeria) "Food for Children" Banner Printing Scam. Beware of this if you are a sign shop, copy shop, or printing company.The fake shipping company will tell you that you must pay them for the shipment before they will schedule delivery. This is the fifth part of the scam. The fake shipper will tell you that they only accept credit cards for domestic shipments, and for international shipments you must prepay with a wire transfer (red flag). They will recommend you bring cash to Western Union and to email them the confirmation number from the wire transfer so they can schedule a pickup. If you contact the original scammer and ask to use another shipping company, they will insist they use their fake shipping company or cancel their order entirely. What is a better policy in dealing with international transactions is that both the buyer and the seller request quotes from their preferred shipping agents.
Once you have irrevocably transferred thousands of dollars overseas to their fake shipper, you will most likely never hear from anyone involved up to this point again. When the owner of the credit card receives the bill in 15-30 days they will dispute the charge with their credit card company and most likely win. This is the sixth step of the scam. This is typically were the scam ends, with you losing the money wired for shipping plus your time and cost of producing the products. If you find yourself with 50 “Feed the Children” banners, go ahead and contact your favorite charity and donate them, please.
- You Receive email from overseas requesting price on ~50 items valued around $3,000
- Scammer asks if you will take their Credit Card as payment
- You contact fake shipping company requesting a shipping quote and they send you a shipping cost. You send total to original scammer.
- Scammer emails their Credit Card info and you approve their card for total amount
- You wire the shipping money overseas via Western Union and never hear from either of the two parties involved again
- The true owner of credit card disputes their charge (See #4), they win, and that money is automatically deducted from your account
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